Why eat plant-based wholefoods?

Why eat plant-based wholefoods?

Research has shown that eating a plant-based diet, particularly one rich in wholefoods can help prevent some diseases, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. You can check out vegan Dr Greger's research here.

Wholefoods contain fibre. Processed foods hardly contain any fibre, so they don't make you feel full as long. So you eat more...

It is estimated that 95 percent of people in the US don't meet the recommended fibre intake. So how does increasing our intake of wholefoods affect us?

Fibre feeds our friendly gut bacteria and helps with weight loss, blood sugar levels and constipation.

Vegans, or those on a plant-based diet, get fibre mainly from vegetables, pulses, whole grains and fruit. Our sausages contain pulses, which are rich in protein and fibre, and they also contain vitamin B12 derived from nutritional yeast, which is essential for vegans. Again you can read Dr Greger's research on this topic here.

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